Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Impacting Those in Prison

We just received the following letter from a man in prison in Massachusetts:


Dear Life Action Ministries,

First and foremost, thank you for caring enough about me to send me Revive magazine. As I sit here in prison, trying my best to find my way back to the Lord, it is things like Revive that are keeping my focus on the Lord and not the temptation that surrounds me.

Being a new Christian and being in jail is difficult. Unfortunately there is little to no spiritual support at this prison. The chaplain is more concerned with being a corrections officer than a spiritual leader. I depend on the Bible and magazines like yours to see me through this very difficult journey I am on.

I enjoyed very much the article on the Real Jesus being my Savior. I was so lost for so long. Pornography, drinking, lying, stealing, adultery—my life was a mess. My job, money and material things became my gods. I forgot who I was, I forgot who God was. Then I was arrested. I honestly believe it was God’s way of getting my attention. Believe me, he got my undivided attention. I had forgotten so much about God and Christ, and frankly I never in my wildest dreams thought that God would ever take me back.

While here in prison I borrowed a Bible and began to read. One character struck me hard, and that was Paul. After all the bad he had done he still went on to be one of the greatest disciples. At that point I realized I still had a chance. I finally realized that God actually loved me, and wanted to forgive me. It was then that I surrendered my life to Jesus.

Even though I have lost everything, money, car, friends, family, job, everything ... I realize now that none of it mattered. Not one thing I ever bought or wanted would help me honor God. When I walk out the doors of this prison in June 2011 I am going to be homeless, broke, no clothes, no car, no nothing. But I know God will provide for me!

In Revive magazine this month there was an ad for a workbook that caught my attention. It is called Seeking Him workbook. The questions that were asked in the ad for this book hit me right between the eyes. I answered yes to all of them. I am wondering if there is any way I could get a copy of this workbook. I have no money to send, I have nothing. All I can do is promise that when I get out, get a job and get stable that I could send money then. I am embarrassed to have to ask this, I feel like a heel and a beggar, but I have no other choice. If not, I understand.

Thank you again, you are making a huge difference in my life!

May God bless you all!"

You are having an impact across this nation.

Blessings on your day.