Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Five Things You Need to Be Saying as a Leader

Amplify’d from bgallen.com

Pastor Dave Kraft, author of Leaders Who Last, is my coach which I count as a choice blessing.  His post on Monday is a good one entitled  BIBLICAL LEADERS CONSISTENTLY SAY FIVE THINGS

The five things are:

  1. Forgive me.
  1. You’re right
  1. You’re wrong.
  1. Jesus loves you.
  1. Me too.

Check out his full post by clicking here – you will be blessed and challenged!


Read more at bgallen.com

Monday, September 26, 2011

3 C's of Hiring

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We hire people for what they know and then fire them for who they are

Have you found this statement to be true?  You have hired someone who is highly talented, but they don’t work out because of character issues? Or maybe they just don’t fit your culture?

The three C’s are fairly well known, but seemingly not well practiced.  They are (in order of importance):




Most of us seem to know this, but if you look at most hiring systems, all the documentation revolves around the third C - competency or job skills.  If you truly believe that character is foundational and that chemistry is key to a healthy team, then you need to rebuild your human systems to reflect this type thinking.

Until you do, you will continue to bring on talented people and then wonder why they did not work out.

Blessings on your week!!


Read more at bgallen.com

Monday, September 19, 2011

Investing vs. Spending Your Life

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Good Monday morning!

A question for you – are you investing your life so that it continues to produce “returns” long after you are gone or are you just “spending” your life to get by? Are you involved in something and giving your life to something that is far greater than yourself?

My personal journey is “bookended” by times of service.  After college I served as an officer in the US Army.  A great time of serving that God used deeply in my life to grow me.  Then listening to the collective wisdom of the group we know as “they”, I listened when “they” said I needed to pursue a career in industry.  So for many years, I worked in the corporate environment where I learned much, but had no passion for what I was doing, but I was on the path that “they” said was the right one.  Finally, the Lord called me into full-time ministry and I am now again serving something far greater than myself and with purpose.

There is a great deal of difference between serving and working.  Which are you doing?  Now let me be clear, you can be serving and be working in the corporate world – it is about your focus and Who you are seeking to glorify.  I have some friends who are making a great impact for Christ through business – they have the right focus.

So back to my question – are you investing your life or just spending it?


Read more at bgallen.com

Friday, September 2, 2011

TRIZ – Creative Problem Solving

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Problem solving is a key function of leaders and we need all the tools to help us that we can find.  A leader always should be looking for “tools” to add to his leadership toolbox.  TRIZ is a good one to add.

MindTools has a good article on TRIZ. By the way, “TRIZ” is the (Russian) acronym for the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.” Following is a brief segment from the article on TRIZ:

“. . .  a huge range of possible solutions can be missed, simply because they’re outside the experience of the project team.
TRIZ is a problem solving methodology based on logic, data and research, not intuition. It draws on the past knowledge and ingenuity of many thousands of engineers to accelerate the project team’s ability to solve problems creatively. As such, TRIZ brings repeatability, predictability, and reliability to the problem-solving process with its structured and algorithmic approach.

About TRIZ

“TRIZ” is the (Russian) acronym for the “Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.” G.S. Altshuller and his colleagues in the former USSR developed the method between 1946 and 1985. TRIZ is an international science of creativity that relies on the study of the patterns of problems and solutions, not on the spontaneous and intuitive creativity of individuals or groups. More than three million patents have been analyzed to discover the patterns that predict breakthrough solutions to problems, and these have been codified within TRIZ.”
Check out the article by clicking here and add another powerful tool to your toolbox.

Have a great weekend.


Read more at bgallen.com

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What TV Do You Need To Unplug?

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In an article, Jim Collins the author of Good to Great and other books, relates how he had to unplug his TV in order to meet his reading goal.  As long as he had availability to his TV, it kept him from his more important goal of reading.  So he unplugged his TV and his reading got back on track.

As leaders and as organizations, we often have things that are a distraction to our core mission or purpose. What is hard is that often these are good things – just not best things.

So Jim Collins recommends creating a “Stop-Doing List“.  In fact, he argues that it is more important than your to-do list.  So take some time and ask yourself – what are the things that I do (and often enjoy) that are robbing me and my organization of the focus, time and energy that could and should be applied to more important activities?

Do you spend too much time surfing the Internet, maybe telling yourself that you are doing research?  Do you spend too much time in front of the TV telling yourself that your are just “chilling out”? Do you spend too much time in unproductive meetings? Do you allow yourself to be constantly interrupted by e-mail?

What s keeping you and your organization from being what God called you to be? What do you need to “stop-doing”?


Read more at bgallen.com