Guy Kawasaki in his book Enchantment has a few suggestions that might help.
Customize the introduction – be aware of your audience and somehow tailor the introduction to them.
Sell your dream – most of the time, what you are doing is communicating a “dream” for a better future for your audience. You’re not really trying to sell a product, introduce a program or a new ministry outreach. You are “selling” them a better future for themselves or others. Help them to think of what could be.
Think screenplay, not speech – telling a story is much more compelling than giving a speech. Check out Nancy Duarte’s website and books for some great help in this area.
Dramatize – Use evocative pictures, dramatic videos and etc. to make your presentation exciting. Provide inspiring information that moves people forward.
Shorten – for some reason we tend to think longer is better. Actually the opposite is true. Guy uses his guideline of 10-20-30. Ten slides in 20 minutes with no font smaller than 30.
Warm up the audience – Go early and meet the people you will be speaking to, circulate among them and greet them. Have some fun and make some friends.
Speak a lot – in other words – practice. The more you speak, the better you will become.
Some good tips in my opinion. Also, I highly recommend Nancy Duarte’s materials – I have benefitted greatly from them.
Read more at bgallen.comBlessings on you today as you serve our Lord,