Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thoughts on How to Give a Better Presentation

Amplify’d from

Presentations – some of us enjoy doing them, some of us hate to do them and most of us are stuck somewhere in between.  But almost all of us have to do them.  Unfortunately we often don’t do them well.

Guy Kawasaki in his book Enchantment has a few suggestions that might help.

Customize the introduction – be aware of your audience and somehow tailor the introduction to them.

Sell your dream – most of the time, what you are doing is communicating a “dream” for a better future for your audience. You’re not really trying to sell a product, introduce a program or a new ministry outreach.  You are “selling” them a better future for themselves or others.  Help them to think of what could be.

Think screenplay, not speech – telling a story is much more compelling than giving a speech.  Check out Nancy Duarte’s website and books for some great help in this area.

Dramatize – Use evocative pictures, dramatic videos and etc. to make your presentation exciting.  Provide inspiring information that moves people forward.

Shorten – for some reason we tend to think longer is better.  Actually the opposite is true.  Guy uses his guideline of 10-20-30. Ten slides in 20 minutes with no font smaller than 30.

Warm up the audience – Go early and meet the people you will be speaking to, circulate among them and greet them.  Have some fun and make some friends.

Speak a lot – in other words – practice.  The more you speak, the better you will become.

Some good tips in my opinion.  Also, I highly recommend Nancy Duarte’s materials – I have benefitted greatly from them.

Blessings on you today as you serve our Lord,



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