Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two Fundamental Realities Core to Strategic Planning

Amplify’d from bgallen.com
Two Fundamental Realities Core to Strategic Planning

According to some research executives spend only three hours a month on strategic issues and of the organizations that do have strategic plans - almost 90% are not implemented.

Traditional strategic planning usually just does not work.  What’s wrong?  Probably the basic assumptions we have about strategic planning.

Matt Perman, Senior Director of Strategy for Desiring God Ministries has done a great deal of work in the area of strategy and what should be the proper approach to strategic planning.

Matt lists two fundamental realities that we need to understand in order to plan properly:

1. “It is essential to set direction and know where we are going; yet
2. Circumstances inevitably change, causing most detailed plans to go aground.”

These two realities acknowledge the sovereignty of God and the limitations of man.  As Matt reminds us, history progresses according to God’s plan, not ours.

So, what do we do?  Should we plan?  Yes we should.

We will talk about that over the next few days.

Blessings on your day,

Read more at bgallen.com

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