Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Life Out of Balance – What is at Risk?

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Balance in life – what does that mean?  To me it simply means having right priorities and then actually living your life according to those priorities.

Much has been written about living a life of balance.  A life whose rhythms produce health and effectiveness in what you are called to do is one indication of living a life in balance.  We have seen too often leaders, especially Christian leaders, who have fallen due to wrong priorities.

When you are not living wisely – not according to the right priorities, you put so much at risk. Not just yourself, but to those you love the most.  They are the ones that seem to suffer the most.

Michael Hyatt has written recently on “Five Consequences of A Life Out of Balance”.  The things you are putting at risk he mentions are:

1. Your Health

2. Your Family

3. Your Friends

4. Your Effectiveness

5. Your Example

If you are not living a life of balance – a life of right priorities – it will catch up with you and you won’t like the consequences.

Wayne Cordeiro has some good resources regarding this topic as does Tony Schwartz.

My priorities are:

My relationship with Jesus

My wife

My daughters

My country

My ministry

My health

What are yours?  Do you know?  If not, maybe it is time to get away and decide.

Blessings on your day!



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