Thursday, May 12, 2011

Life Management Best Practices

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Life mismanagement is one key area that results in the downfall of too many leaders.  This is “Enemy Number  Two” in Greg Salciccioli’s book, The Enemies of Excellence, & Reasons Why We Sabotage Success.

In his book, Greg lists some best practices exhibited by leaders who have learned how to build sustainable success.  They are:

  • Establish work boundaries.
  • Schedule vacations and personal planning times a year in advance.
  • Invest mornings in uninterrupted, high-priority activity.
  • Engage in daily exercise, providing emotional and mental relief as well as energy replenishment.
  • Use the afternoon for management, including e-mail, meetings, and phone calls.
  • Guard evenings and weekends for relationship connections and personal enjoyment.
  • Invest in outside insight from mentors, coaches, and trainers focusing on personal and professional growth.

Greg then follows up with three key steps to mastering Life Management:

1. Determine Priorities

2. Plan Priorities

3. Practice Priorities

Some good advice – so how are you doing in terms of Life Management?  Could some of these suggestions help you to become more effective and to lead a more fulfilling life as you follow your calling?



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