Monday, May 9, 2011

Seven Ways Leaders Sabotage Themselves

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Why do leaders fail?  Why do so many promising and gifted people wind up sidelined when they should be hitting their most effective years?

It seems almost common place to see prominent leaders falling and damaging so many others along the way.  I have mentioned some good books on this in the past such as Dave Kraft’s Leaders Who Last and Dr. Tim Irwin’s Derailed.  Well, now an excellent book is out by Greg Salciccioli entitled The Enemies of Excellence, 7 Reasons Why We Sabotage Success.  Greg is the co-founder and president of Ministry Coaching International.

Greg has coached leaders for years now and has discerned seven common things that lead to sabotaging leaders in their journey.  The seven Enemies of Success as defined by Greg are:

1. Egotism

2. Life Mismanagement

3. Bad Habits

4. Indulgence

5. Broken Relationships

6. Isolation

7. Self-Sabotage

This is an excellent book and I would recommend you picking it up to see how Greg explains how these seven “enemies” impact us as leaders.  Also, you can go to his site, and download tools from the book.

Hope you have a blessed week and please do avoid these Enemies of Excellence as you lead others.



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