Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Four Types of Meetings

Amplify’d from

Meetings – the word makes most of us cringe, and with good reason. As I mentioned Monday, meetings poorly done can be crippling to your organization.  However, good meetings can propel you forward, the problem is, most of us don’t know what a good meeting looks like!

Patrick Lencioni in his great book Death by Meeting addresses how we can become better at this very important tool.  One thing he does is to help s understand that there are different types of meetings for different purposes.  For example, he gives us four types of meetings:

1. The Daily Check-In: this is a 5 – 10 minute stand up meeting where you & your direct reports quickly go over the plans for the day. Usually done every day or most days.

2. Weekly Tactical Meeting: usually 45 – 90 minutes where you review weekly activities and metrics and deal with tactical obstacles / issues.

3. Monthly strategic: usually 2 – 4 hours in length where you discuss, brainstorm and decide on strategic issues that impact long-term success.

4. Quarterly Off-site Reviews: usually 1 – 2 days in length where you go into depth reviewing and adjusting your strategy as well as the development of leaders.

If you want to get better at meetings, take some time to pick up and read Death by Meeting – you will be glad you did so.



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