Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Uncommon Communion - A Leadership Trait

Amplify’d from

Now what does Dr. Lorritts mean by uncommon communion and why is that important      in a leader?

Here is what he means, “He is using what He called us to do to not only accomplish the task but also to call us to plummet the depths of intimacy with Him.  It is in those seasons of seeking Him for His direction and solutions that we tap into His power and we cultivate a deep heart connection with the God of the assignment and the God of our souls.”

As a leader in God’s Kingdom, we have to realize that is it by His strength (Zechariah 4:6) that anything of lasting worth is accomplished.  The minute we start trusting in our own talents and competencies we achieve mediocre results at best. Competency is a good thing and we should always be working to become better, but we must realize that the source is God Himself.

As leaders, we should be seeking greater intimacy with the Lord realizing that we are in desperate need of Him and that it is through this uncommon communion with our Lord that we derive our ability to lead effectively in His kingdom.



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