Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Effective Emails

Amplify’d from bgallen.com

I don’t know about you, but emails are now my primary form of communication and I have found plenty of opportunities to improve.  I still remember a simple (at least I thought it was simple) two line email caused a two and a half hour lunch meeting to clear up.  Probably has something to do with my low EQ!

The site MindTools has a good article with a few suggestions:

The subject line is a HEADLINE – it should tell the reader at a glance what the email is about and often determines how quickly they will read it.

Keep each email to one point.  Personally, I have found it best to make sure that the entire email fits into the reading frame.  I have found several people I work with tend not to scroll down on emails and often miss points deeper in the email.

Response – be specific on the action you want taken by the reader(s).

Don’t be too informal with internal emails.  You need to assume others beyond the recipient will read your email.

Some good points. One I would add is never deal with emotionally charged issues via email.  Face-to-face is the only way to deal rightly with those type issues.

Have a great day communicating!

Read more at bgallen.com

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