Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Three Potential Limiters to Your Leadership

Amplify’d from

Good morning – a rainy morning here in southwest Michigan – at least it’s not snow!

This week we have been talking about some pitfalls for leaders. Today, we will look at three things that could easily hinder your effectiveness as a leader in ministry.

The first is losing perspective.  For those of us who have chosen to serve in ministry or a nonprofit, our “work” is about seeing the lives of people transformed.  For us as Christians, we understand that it is all about the Spirit of God working in those people that produces that transformation.  After a while, the issues can sem so big – bigger than God even. We start losing the perspective and understanding of just how big our God is. We get so involved in what is going on around us we lose sight of Christ.  We must keep our eyes on Him and ensure we keep a fresh vision of just Who He is.

Closely aligned to this is our tendency to seek convenience and comfort. We tend to like to take it easy, when the work of ministry is often hard work.  As is often said, it is a marathon – not a sprint. We are especially vulnerable if we have been working in our own strength.  Wayne Cordiero has an excellent book on what happens when you are trying to do it all on your own – you crash. His book entitled Leading on Empty is about what happened in his life when he was trying to do it all in his own strength.  Great book for busy leaders.

Finally, a key limiter is a lack of love. When you are not serving / leading out of love for God and others, people become objects or “resources” to be manipulated.  Difficult people become “problems”.  You lose joy and steal joy from others.  So cherish and nurture you love for Christ and for others.  This is so very critical.

Love someone today – it is a choice.



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