Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Capture Your Ideas Before They “Fly” Awa

Amplify’d from

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Look sharply after your thoughts. They come unlooked for, like a new bird seen in your trees, and, if you turn to your usual task, disappear.”

How many great ideas have you lost because you did not capture them? What could have been if you had captured that thought?

Develop a system for capturing your thoughts as you have them.  There are some great software systems for organizing your thoughts such as OneNote and EverNote.  Personally, I like to use a Moleskine notebook.  They are great to take notes, the small one is easy to keep with me and there is something freeing and creative about putting pen to paper.

Whatever system you do, develop the discipline of capturing your ideas before they “fly away”.



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