Friday, April 15, 2011

Questions about Innovation

Are You Developing An Innovative Culture? Some Questions To Ask Yourself

Amplify’d from

Innovation – a popular word right now and rightly so.  Innovation is critical, we know that, yet why do we seem to have such a hard time with doing it?  In fact, while we desire our team to be innovative, we may be the actual hindrance to them becoming so.

Following are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does your team know that it is alright to use innovative means to do their work?  Is it not only alright, but encouraged?
  • Do your statements, questions, non-verbal signals all send the message that you approve of innovative behavior?  Or not?
  • Has your team been prepared (trained) to seek out and identify ways to improve their systems and processes?
  • What was the last innovation implemented by your team?  How long ago?
  • How could your team’s innovations impact your organization?
  • Do you celebrate innovation?  How so?
  • How do you handle mistakes made by your team?  Are they to be avoided at all costs or are they seen as a normal part of the innovative process?
  • Do you make it safe to innovate?

As the leader, you set the tone or culture.  Are you really developing a culture of innovation in your area?

We serve the Creator and we should celebrate His creativity and encourage it within ourselves and thos around us for His glory!
Hope you have a great weekend!



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